Food In Canada

Who’s Who 2023: Doug Alexander, VP, Belmont Food Group

By Treena Hein   

Food In Canada meat processing Ontario Who's Who

Doug Alexander of Belmont Food Group believes in sharing and empowering industry colleagues

Photo © Belmont Food Group

Giving back is a key hallmark of Doug Alexander’s career. Since 2021, he’s been vice-president of sustainability and government relations at Belmont Food Group. Belmont is part of about 60 independently run companies owned by Premium Brands, a Canadian food manufacturer and distributor.

While Doug ‘gives back’ in many ways to a wide range of people every day, including Belmont staff and those he connects with while working with several critical food industry organizations, he’s always on the look out for those who others might ignore.

“Education and certification are useful and certainly something to be proud of, but life experience, skills, and the ability to learn as you go are also very important,” he says. “We, as companies and industries, loose out when we don’t recognize and appreciate those with so much to offer, but didn’t have the opportunity to go to school, or not yet, for whatever reason.” 

Doug’s own journey in the food industry began after high school. He took a year’s break to work and reflect on his future before returning to study science. “It came back to food,” he says. “It’s stable. People have to eat.” 


He worked at Canada Packers, among other firms, and learned about trust in making deals, trust that goes beyond the deal, and the value of true partnership. 

“That’s the food industry, and it’s a privilege to work where there is trust and people are good,” he says. “I love this industry. It’s challenging at times, but the industry has been good to me and given me a good life and I like to give back. Helping others is the most important part of my career.”

Indeed, his greatest achievement is watching those he’s helped grow and become successful individuals. 

“People gave time and energy to me and made me feel important, and I wasn’t important,” he says. “They made a huge difference, and I can do that for others.”

The advisor

Currently, Doug is chair of the Agricultural Adaptation Council board, and vice-chair of the Innovation Advisory Council at the Canadian Food Innovation Network. He also sits on the boards of Food and Beverage Ontario and Meat and Poultry Ontario. Through these associations, he can help those in government understand the industry and make it better. 

“I can also bring the experience of large corporations and offer small companies advice and tips about resources,” he says. “We break down silos and work collaboratively and reap the benefits of a more cohesive industry.”

Doug is now in his 36th year in food processing, and says that as long as he feels healthy, is providing value and feels valued, he will continue. He definitely feels valued at Belmont.

“We have an incredible culture, and we refer to ourselves as ‘we’ because we know we’re all part of the team,” he says. “We not only care for our people, but also the environment and our products. That, at our company and across the industry, requires innovation and being more collaborative, with employees, customers, experts. We all get better when everyone contributes.”

At Belmont, that means more value-priced products that are innovative and appreciated by the consumer. 

“Food is an experience,” says Doug. “It’s not just nutrition. It has to be something you enjoy, and it’s hard to make a better burger than we do.” 

This article was originally published in the April/May 2023 issue of Food in Canada.

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