Food In Canada



Stories continue below

Business Operations Regulation

March 10, 2021
Codex Alimentarius update – new ‘Food in Canada’ column by Dr. Ron Wasik

Business Operations

March 2, 2021
How to ace a virtual food trade show – advice from columnist Birgit Blain, from our latest issue

Food In Canada

February 24, 2021
Snacking in Canada – the cover story from our latest issue

Business Operations

February 23, 2021
Successful workforce planning – insights from Food in Canada columnist Jennefer Griffith

Business Operations

February 23, 2021
Working towards a Grocery Code of Conduct in Canada – feature story from our latest issue

Business Operations

February 21, 2021
Vaccination priority – food and beverage workers – Editorial by Kristy Nudds


February 19, 2021
Just vanilla please! – expert food labelling insights for vanilla flavour from Gary Gnirss


February 12, 2021
Tempered oat & pulse flours – feature story from the new edition of ‘Food in Canada’

Business Operations

February 10, 2021
E-commerce in 2021 – analysis from Mark Juhasz

Business Operations

February 9, 2021
What’s ahead in 2021 – the latest food law analysis from the new issue of ‘Food in Canada’

Business Operations

January 22, 2021
One federal authority for one food system – the latest ‘Food in Canada’ policy column by Kathleen Sullivan


January 22, 2021
From obligations to added peace of mind – the latest Food in Canada column by Cher Mereweather

Business Operations

January 22, 2021
Labour training locally and nationally – the latest Food in Canada labour column by Jennefer Griffith

Business Operations

January 22, 2021
2020 — A year to remember or forget? – The latest ‘Food in Canada’ food safety column by Ron Wasik

Business Operations

January 22, 2021
“The scientists made me do it” – the latest ‘Food in Canada Magazine’ food law column by Ron Doering


January 22, 2021
SIAL’s virtual food week a success – results exceeded expectations


January 19, 2021
Canada’s Zero Plastic Waste plan – the latest Food in Canada column from Carol Zweep

January 19, 2021
EDITORIAL – Nov/Dec 2020 – Take advantage of a captive audience

January 18, 2021
Sugars-based ingredient rules bittersweet – Regulatory Affairs – Nov/Dec 2020 – Gary Gnirss


January 18, 2021
Pet food in Canada – Demand for raw diets to continue its double-digit growth


September 18, 2020
Meeting the challenge

Food In Canada

December 9, 2019
Science skepticism

Food In Canada Sustainability

December 1, 2019
Addressing sustainability

Food In Canada Packaging Regulation

December 1, 2019
The imitation game

Food In Canada

December 1, 2019
Tackling seafood fraud

Exporting & Importing Food In Canada

December 1, 2019
Market trends

Food Trends Regulation

December 1, 2019
The future of good food

Food In Canada

December 1, 2019
Nourishing a hungry market

Food In Canada Packaging Regulation

December 1, 2019
PFAS in food packaging

Food In Canada

December 1, 2019
Putting food first

Food In Canada

December 1, 2019
Labatt pours investment into Quebec

Exporting & Importing

December 1, 2019
Not so simple