Food In Canada

BY2048 is turning carrots into smoked salmon

By Food in Canada Staff   

Products Plant-based foods Editor pick Quebec

BY2048 is a Montreal-based company offering plant-based seafood alternatives. Since the start of 2022, their first product, a vegan smoked salmon, has gone from being available in three specialty health food stores to over 90 grocery stores in Quebec. Motivated by their rapid expansion, they are developing a line of vegan seafood alternatives to hit shelves across North America.

The company’s name is inspired by a study predicting the depletion of the world’s fisheries by 2048. With a focus on ocean conservation, BY2048 offers a replacement to seafood consumption while pledging five per cent of profits to ocean conservation. They also have a new take on environmental harm reduction: plastic negative packaging. They offset two times the weight of their packaging in ocean-bound plastic.

“Commercial fishing kills 120 billion fish each year, as well as hundreds of thousands of other sea creatures that get caught in nets and hooks like turtles, dolphins, and small whales. BY2048 provides an alternative to fish consumption without compromising on the taste. No microplastics. No mercury. No animals harmed,” said a company press release.


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