Food In Canada

Combidome Low Acid carton bottle

SIG Combibloc has announced that its combidome carton bottle has also been launched for low-acid products

July 31, 2017   Food in Canada

Business Operations

SIG Combibloc offers its combidome Low Acid carton bottle.

The carton bottle has been launched for low-acid products such as milk and plant-based dairy alternatives.

In a statement, Christian Szameit, a Key Account manager at SIG Combibloc, explains that the Low Acid carton bottle is being used for low-acid products for the first time. “Packaging for this type of product has to meet different standards than, for instance, fruit juice packaging. Unlike juices the taste of dairy products or plant-based dairy alternatives can be affected by light,” says Szameit.

“So, for example, we’ve designed the spouts for combidome Liquid Dairy cartons in such a way that they let in almost no light. So the products are optimally protected.”


The carton bottles also need to meet requirements for sterile use “because germs can reproduce much more readily in a a low-acid environment such as milk than they can in a product like juice,” says Hanno Geissler, head of Aseptic Technology at SIG Combibloc.

“The sensitivity to light of milk and milk alternatives is another issue. The filling machines for combidome Low Acid and the corresponding carton packs take this into account, so manufacturers can flexibly fill all kinds of beverages.”



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