Food In Canada

6P-04 ideal for value-added vacuum pack applications

Hinds-Bock’s 6P-04 filler is perfect for tray line and horizontal vacuum former applications

March 4, 2016   Food in Canada

GetAttachmentThumbnailHinds-Bock’s six-piston four-ounce 6P-04 with servo motor moves the entire filler for spreading product during the fill cycle or to shift the filler for filling into multiple targets. Positive shut-off spouts with an adjustable blow-off feature are used to maintain a clean fill zone, while a tool free tilt hopper and spout plate along with two-piece strong back make for disassembly in under a minute without tools. “We removed the flex product hoses, to improve weight accuracy and reduce clean-up time,” says Lance Aasness, vice-president of Hinds-Bock Corporation. The 6P-04 is ideal for value-added vacuum pack applications such as adding sauces, marinades, gravies or liquid seasoning to meat, poultry and fish.


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