Food In Canada

Just like sugar

Tate & Lyle has launched Dolcia Prima, a low-calorie sugar that tastes and formulates like table sugar

London – Tate & Lyle has launched Dolcia Prima Low-Calorie Sugar.

DolciaPrima200x267The new ingredient can help the industry develop low- or reduced-calorie products.

The company says Dolcia Prima is the brand name for allulose, a low-calorie sugar that exists in nature and can be found in small quantities in some fruits and foods people eat every day. It was first identified in wheat in the 1930s.

Dolcia Prima can deliver the mouthfeel and sweetness of table sugar, but contains 90 per cent fewer calories.


It can be used in a range of applications including beverages, yogurt, ice cream and baked products. The company adds that Dolcia Prima is 70 per cent as sweet as sucrose and has the same temporal taste profile, which means it provides a clean and sweet taste as well as the functionality of sugar.

The ingredient can be added to many different food products that usually contain sugar because it delivers many of the benefits that sugar offers, such as adequate browning when baking, bulk and texture. 


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