Food In Canada

Summit & Expo Plant-Based Foods & Proteins Americas: Applications open for Startup Acceleration Day

By Food in Canada staff   

Food Trends Plant-based foods Bridge2Food startups

Bridge2Food will be selecting standout startups to participate in a Startup Acceleration Day (September 29, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT) at the 2021 virtual Summit & Expo Plant-Based Foods & Proteins Americas, September 27-29.

Selected startups will get to present directly to the summit audience, including many corporates from the value chain, VC’s and accelerators like Blue Horizon, Big Idea Ventures, MassChallenge, ShakeUp Factory, Founder Institute, Corporate Ventures, MISTA, Natural Products Canada, KitchenHub, Eatable Adventures and Foodtech Brazil.

Pitching presentations options (+free ticket & booth) are available for pre-market startups (2 minutes) and
go-to-market, more mature startups (5 minutes).

Applications for pitch presentations are due on September 10. Apply here. Availability is limited.


Presentations must be pre-recorded and added to application form. To be eligible, companies must focus on plant-based, cultivated, or fermentation-enabled protein end products, ingredients or upstream processing technologies. The purpose of this event is to provide exposure and support from the value chain. Startups will not be competing for capital.

The uniqueness of the Bridge2Food Summit & Expo is the presence of the entire value chain, which is why startups will cover how the value chain can help, where the company is looking for (distribution, marketing, new ingredients, technologies and partnerships), and what will be key to fuel their future growth.

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