Food In Canada

Interested in working with the Ontario Government?

By Food in Canada Staff   

Business Operations Bake & Snack Food Ontario

The Ministry of Public and Business Services Delivery (MPBSD) is seeking bids from expert vendors interested in qualifying to provide supply and delivery of fresh bread and buns for the province of Ontario.

Detailed description

This Request for Bid (RFB) is an opportunity for prospective bidders to be part of the Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement for fresh bread and bun products.

Products delivered under the resulting VOR arrangement will include but are not limited to, loaf breads (white, whole wheat, whole grain and specialty products), hamburger buns, hot dog buns, sub buns, kaiser buns, dinner rolls, flat breads, pitas and bagels.


Scope of work

This VOR arrangement will be available to all ministries covered by the Ontario Public Service (OPS) Procurement Directive, regardless of value and, on an optional basis, to provincially funded organizations (PFOs) in accordance with the provisions the Form of Agreement.

Vendors who qualify as a Vendor of Record (VOR) will have the opportunity to work with the government to supply and deliver fresh bread and buns products throughout the province of Ontario.

To bid, go to, select Current Opportunities, filter by Project Info, click Go, enter Tender_18072.

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