Food In Canada

IWD 2023: NPC celebrates 100 women leaders in Canada’s bio-based industries

By Food in Canada Staff   

Business Operations Editor pick Natural Products Canada

A new list of over 100 companies provides an interesting look at the women leading Canada’s growing natural and bio-based industries. The companies are all part of Game Changers: Leading Companies. Powered by Women, an initiative led by Natural Products Canada (NPC).

NPC is a national organization that supports bio-based innovation, and this first-of-its-kind Game Changers report showcases the breadth of female leadership in Canadian companies that are creating economic and social impact through their natural and bio-based products.

“These women-led companies are developing everything from sustainable plastics and planet-friendly chemicals to healthy food and beverages,” said Shelley King, CEO, Natural Products Canada. “They are all united by their passion to create products that are healthier for people and the planet.”

The report features companies from across the country with products designed for consumers seeking new options for their health and wellness such as food, beauty and personal care items, as well as industrial products such as bioresins and biopesticides that help corporations looking to reduce their carbon footprint and meet their sustainability goals.


The companies were selected through a national campaign that asked female founders and leaders to provide information in three main areas: innovation, sustainability, and growth. The companies were evaluated based on progress relative to their stage.

“Some of these companies are still in the late R&D phase and are showing real potential through partnerships with major industry players trying to solve key sustainability challenges,” says King. “Others are more advanced, with products in market, strong distribution and sales track records, and other indicators of growth.”

TD is the official sponsor of the initiative.

“The report aligns with TD’s vision to support women in business and help them succeed,” says Krystal van Westerop, national manager, Women in Enterprise, TD. “We hope this platform opens up new opportunities, and helps to inspire the next generation of women in business.”

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