Food In Canada



Stories continue below

Food In Canada Research & Development

January 10, 2020
Governments invest in Ontario’s agri-food sector

Food In Canada

December 23, 2019
Government supporting Ontario’s agri-food sector

Business Operations

December 4, 2019
The Food Centre launches new initiative for female entrepreneurs

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Trends Processing Products Research & Development Sustainability

May 25, 2018
FoodBytes! By Rabobank announces the winners

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Trends Products Research & Development

February 27, 2018
Initiative helps researchers accelerate their agri-food ideas

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Trends Processing Regulation Research & Development Sustainability

February 15, 2018
AAFC announces programs for the agriculture and agri-food sector

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Products Regulation Research & Development

February 6, 2018
A new food and agriculture coworking space opens in Alberta

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Trends Research & Development Sustainability

December 19, 2017
13 Ontario agri-tech companies receive grants

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Food Trends Processing

November 13, 2017
Ag and agri-food in Canada continues to grow: report

Business Operations Food Safety Regulation

August 8, 2017
Yes, CFIA, safe food is the priority but it’s not your only job

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing

August 1, 2017
Report looks at how global subsidies affect Canada’s competitiveness

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Processing

July 27, 2017
Government announces funding for several agri-food companies

Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Food Trends Packaging Processing Research & Development

April 20, 2017
Federal government must boost focus on agri-food in Canada: report

Food Safety Regulation

April 9, 2017
SFCR and food safety – Part II

Food In Canada

November 7, 2016
Ontario celebrates agri-food innovators

Food In Canada

October 6, 2016
OCC releases report on agri-food competitiveness

Exporting & Importing Food In Canada

September 19, 2016
Ontario govt. announces agri-food trade mission to India

Food In Canada Processing

December 31, 2015
Federal and Manitoba governments invest in potato processing plant

Business Operations

March 19, 2012
Viterra confirms acquisition talks

Business Operations

March 16, 2012
Saskatchewan agri-processor invests in Australian facility

Business Operations

January 18, 2012
Optimism among agri-food producers at an all-time high

Business Operations Food Trends Regulation Research & Development

November 11, 2011
Feds invest $50-million in agri-food sector

Business Operations

August 19, 2011
Strategies to compete – let’s dig deeper

Business Operations Regulation Research & Development

August 19, 2011
Newfoundland works to strengthen agri-food sector

Business Operations Regulation Research & Development

August 18, 2011
Feds invest in Quebec food expo

Business Operations Exporting & Importing

August 3, 2011
Learning from the British beef industry

Business Operations

August 2, 2011
A globally competitive food sector – will we make it happen?

Food Safety Research & Development

July 21, 2010
Food dyes raise health concerns: CSPI

Business Operations Research & Development

July 21, 2010
Energy Project to Focus on Agricultural Biomass

Food Safety Regulation Research & Development

June 10, 2010
UV light shines on cheaper food safety

Food Safety Regulation Research & Development

April 7, 2010
Improving Berry Shelf Life