Food In Canada

Puratos, Burcon, HPS and Protein Industries Canada partner to develop hi-protein ingredients

By Food in Canada Staff   

Food In Canada Products Ingredients & Additives Plant-based foods Editor pick Protein Industries Canada Puratos Canada

The demand for a wide variety of flavourful, affordable protein options is rising across Canada. Protein Industries Canada launches a new project to help meet the growing need for ingredients to address this demand, with a co-investment from partners Burcon NutraScience, HPS Food & Ingredients and Puratos Canada.

Burcon will be offering hemp protein isolate, sunflower protein isolate and sunflower protein concentrate. In partnership with Burcon, HPS will assess hemp crop varieties to determine which are best suited for the new ingredients, while also developing, commercializing and scaling the technology needed to process the hemp into above-mentioned ingredients. Further along the value chain, Puratos and Burcon will each focus on using the hemp and sunflower ingredients in new food and beverage products, particularly baking applications, beverages and meat alternatives.

“The development of new ingredients and food manufacturing is integral to growing and strengthening Canada’s agrifood sector. Increasing ingredient manufacturing can help diversify our agriculture sector and increase our productivity, creating new economic growth for Canada,” Protein Industries Canada CEO Bill Greuel said. “Together, Burcon, HPS and Puratos are developing a line of ingredients, food and beverage products that will do this, while also bringing new, diverse protein options to market.”

A total of $6.9 million has been committed to the project, with Protein Industries Canada committing $3 million and the partners together committing the remainder.


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