Food In Canada



Stories continue below


February 22, 2018
Prescribing food labelling rules

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Trends Processing Regulation Research & Development Sustainability

February 15, 2018
AAFC announces programs for the agriculture and agri-food sector

Food In Canada Food Trends Regulation Research & Development

February 12, 2018
Health Canada wants to see front-of-package symbols

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Products Regulation Research & Development

February 6, 2018
A new food and agriculture coworking space opens in Alberta

Food In Canada Food Safety Processing Regulation Research & Development

January 30, 2018
New research boosts food safety in artisanal meats

Food In Canada Processing Products Regulation Research & Development Sustainability

January 26, 2018
Agri-food centre opens in Saskatchewan

Food In Canada Food Trends Processing Regulation Research & Development Sustainability

January 9, 2018
More countries may have to consider a meat tax: report


December 11, 2017
Pet food by the book


December 7, 2017
The new label blues

Food In Canada Food Trends Regulation

November 30, 2017
Humane societies release new code of practice for veal cattle

Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Regulation

November 29, 2017
UBC researchers can tell what else might be in your ground meat

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Products Regulation

November 14, 2017
DNA doesn’t lie: new technology authenticates food ingredients

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Regulation

November 13, 2017
Shipping without the worry and stress

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Safety Regulation

November 10, 2017
BC privacy commissioner says chicken catching company can’t surveil employees

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Food Trends Products Regulation Research & Development

November 6, 2017
Canopy Growth and Constellation Brands finalize partnership


October 20, 2017
Sodium reduction consultation

Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Processing Products Regulation

October 11, 2017
Ontario greenhouse cucumbers making a splash in Asia

Food Safety Packaging Regulation

October 10, 2017
20 years of writing for Food in Canada – Part 2

Food Safety Regulation

October 10, 2017
Sue the CFIA for its negligence? Good luck

Food Safety Regulation

September 15, 2017
Food recall effectiveness

Packaging Processing Regulation

September 15, 2017
20 years of writing for Food in Canada – Part I

Food In Canada Food Safety Regulation

August 22, 2017
Up to 20% of packaged sausages in Canada are mislabelled: study

Business Operations Food Safety Regulation

August 8, 2017
Yes, CFIA, safe food is the priority but it’s not your only job

Food Trends Regulation

August 8, 2017
The new Canada’s Food Guide

Exporting & Importing Food In Canada Processing Products Regulation

July 20, 2017
Canadians want food companies to stop animal abuse

Food In Canada Food Safety Regulation Research & Development

July 18, 2017
Canada to further reduce the use of antimicrobials in chicken

Food In Canada Food Safety Processing Regulation

July 4, 2017
CFIA wants feedback from stakeholders

Packaging Regulation

June 7, 2017
The name game: Labelling & the IPPB

Food Safety Regulation

June 7, 2017
Questionable assumptions in the SFCR

Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Products Regulation

May 29, 2017
Federal government launches online consultations

Business Operations Food In Canada Food Safety Food Trends Processing Products Regulation Research & Development Sustainability

May 18, 2017
Which province scored an A in the first-ever food report card?

Packaging Regulation

May 4, 2017
Fishy food labelling