Food In Canada

Crush Dynamics claims new upcycled ingredient delivers 50 per cent sugar reduction

By Food in Canada Staff   

Products Confectionery Ingredients & Additives Plant-based foods clean label Crush Dynamics Editor pick upcycling

Crush Dynamics, a Canadian-based agtech company with a mission of upcycling agricultural side-streams, has developed an ingredient that it claims allows for deep sugar reduction in chocolate applications.

This plant-based solution, responsible for 30 to 50 per cent sugar reduction, delivers a smooth texture and well-rounded sweetness and labels simply as “grape puree,” said a company statement.

The ingredient was developed using a patented fermentation process on grape derivatives. It’s said to allow food manufacturers reduce sugar and sodium while enhancing flavour and increasing shelf-life.

Crush Dynamics collaborated with Purdys Chocolatier to create chocolate samples that demonstrate sugar reduction and flavour enhancement. These will be showcased at the Future Food-Tech Summit in San Francisco on March 16-17.


“We see innovations like Crush Dynamics as a key part of the toolbox with an ability to revolutionize the chocolate industry, reducing sugar while adding nutrition through antioxidant and polyphenol-rich ingredients,” said Rachel McKinley, Purdys’ master chocolatier.

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