Food In Canada

Clean and consumer friendly

Kemin FORTRA natural plant extract is derived from spearmint (Mentha spicata L.), a plant that is widely recognized for its flavouring attributes

May 27, 2016   Food in Canada

Kemin TripleDrink_9x6_275523611[1]As today’s consumers increasingly demand products they consider to be clean label with consumer friendly ingredients, food and beverage formulators face a multitude of challenges. Today’s formulators need an arsenal of protection solutions that are not only effective, but clean label as well. Kemin FORTRA natural plant extract can be that solution while serving as a valuable resource in the fight against oxidation and degradation. FORTRA natural plant extract is derived from spearmint (Mentha spicata L.), a plant that is widely recognized for its flavouring attributes. Through a natural breeding process, Kemin has identified a proprietary spearmint variety with high levels of rosmarinic acid, a unique phenolic compound that is an oxygen- and heat-stable free radical scavenger. FORTRA is extracted using an environmentally friendly extraction process. With water-soluble FORTRA, beverage formulators can benefit from a protection solution that is effective, consistent, reliable, and easy to implement.


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